Hey there....

It really is sad to see you ending up here. You got here because you have chosen option B, which means that you have chosen not to pursue this initiative.
Now, I totally appreciate your taking time out to come and see what I was so excited about.

I know that we are different individuals and are excited by different things in life. We, after all, have different drives and life aspirations right.

And that is what makes us unique, and this world such a great place to live in. And apart from going to heaven, I would never give up the pleasure of living on this green earth and being part of this global community for anything in this universe.

And the pleasure of life itself lies in being able to get in touch with wonderful people who are always fun and rejuvenating to correspond with. People who, when relationships are forged, partnerships and possible friendships are cemented. What a pleasure to have people like that, and much more when such events cut across cultural barriers!

One such person could have been YOU! As far as I am concerned, I believe that our paths crossed for a reason, and that is what makes it disturbing to see you move on just like that. You know, this is made so much more dreadful by the fact that I KNOW THE POTENTIAL OF THIS INITIATIVE TO CHANGE OUR FINANCIAL LIVES. I know I might sound like a nag, but isn't this what you would do for a loved one as well? Wouldn't you go the extra mile to try and save them from themselves at all cost, even at the risk of being called names? Wouldn't you? Of course you would!

And that is exactly what I am trying to accomplish. I am trying to let you know that this is one of the most logical, easy-to-setup and straightforward business models I have come across. I understand that you are not as excited by all this like I am, because maybe you do not get the bigger picture (which is fine by me). But I would fail in my duty to myself and you if I don't at least try one more time to make you change your mind. If I don't at least one more time attempt to extend my hand of partnership in what could be the best decision for us ever.

I mean, what have we to lose? You might be thinking: what if it doesn't work? Well, it does WORK!  
I have just shown you that I have made my first ever commission online through this initiative, didn't I? In case you want to run through it again, here is my humble proof:

It really does work! How good it works is entirely up to you! You have the power to write your own paycheck! And again, here is the complete layout of possible revenue:

I know you would agree with me that this is really powerful right? Well, hold your breath. You haven't seen it all yet. At least wait until you have seen the second income stream: matching commissions!

 That means that for every direct commission your business partner  (direct referrals) make, you instantly make a matching commission! How great is that!?

And that's not all. Please don't let me go into the other commissions you get as residual income on a monthly basis through subscriptions to the monthly financial newsletter! Man, as if that was not great stuff already, there are the matching commissions from newsletter subscriptions that you will receive as matches of your partners' commissions. If that is not awesome, I have no idea what is!

Do you then find it so strange that I am so excited about this? Now you might say that my excitement is due to the meager US$ 4 I made. And you would be right! You would be right because that is living proof that this really works!
And that is why I want to advice you to take up this offer. If for nothing else, take it up for the mere fact that it works!

Would you join me as a partner in this venture? Would you at least consider checking it out? Would you invest a once-off 18 bucks towards securing your financial future/independence/liberation? Just thing about it.  Maybe you have kids like me. (I have two beautiful baby girls by the way). Wouldn't this be a great legacy to hand over to them someday? Wouldn't that be great? Wouldn't they thank you for it? Or maybe, who knows...other family members?

Most importantly: Wouldn't your future thank you for it? Well partner (wow, I love the sound of that don't you...), I have reached out to you from the bottom of my heart. I sincerely hope and pray that you re-contextualize and give what could turn into the greatest partnership a chance to see the light of day.

However, the choice is entirely up to you and I will accord it the respect it deserves. Please, choose wisely...choose LIFE TO THE FULLEST!

So, go ahead and click the letter of your choice:
A - This calls for a celebration!
B - Need to snooze some more, wake me up when you reach the mark.

On that note, this is where I leave it off. Will see you on the inside as we will celebrate our new partnership!

Kittos for now!


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