4Corners Financial Literacy Products Review - Vol 1


Yes indeed, that is definitely true! It is the one variable which sets us all off on an equal footing in this journey called life. It is the one variable which nobody can take away from you. It is so inherently yours that you basically take it with you to the grave. Hence the saying by the late Dr. Myles Munroe (may his soul rest in eternal peace) that, "The richest place on earth is the cemetry." 

The cliche about education being the greatest equalizer is so much more visible in the global financial economy. This is a fragile economy, tantamount to the great amazon jungle where you either eat or get eaten. And the only determinant factor of who or what you are, is the ultimate weapon called financial literacy.

And that is where we come in! Introducing the massive Financial Literacy Products from 4 Corners Alliance Group, to arm you to the teeth and get you ready for this battle. 

The greatest difference between the rich and the poor is this:

* The poor work very hard for their money
* The rich have vehicles/tools which enable their money to work hard for them

Although this review is not about these vehicles, you can quickly get access to one such vehicle here.

Now, let us get back to this. Financial literacy is a powerful weapon in the hands of the determined. And we are here to offer you one of the best (if not the best) financial knowledge packs on the market. Although these books are part of the levels as you progress in the 4Corners Online Business (register), they are available for instant download as ebooks from our retail store in pdf format. Head over there now and get your copy!

Anyway, here is the complete layout of the financial literacy products and what they entail:


Let me first introduce you to the monthly newsletter, packed with great information pertaining to the global financial market and everything there is to know about it.


The monthly newsletter covers global financial current affairs topics as well as the occasional international lifestyle article.
The newsletter is delivered the first week of each month.




LEVEL 1 – Book 1: Financial Literacy – Understanding Precious Metals Investments

This book uncovers the facts about popular and lesser known precious metals. This book examines the historical facts behind the driver’s of precious metal values.
You will learn about lesser know exotic precious metals as well as well-known metals like Platinum, Gold, and Silver.

LEVEL 1 – Bonus 1: Financial Literacy – The Essentials

Chapter 1: Home Based Business: Ten Tips For Success
Chapter 2: Tips And Strategies On How To Maximize Your Personal Finances
Chapter 3: Debt Restructuring – Helping You Gain Control Of Finances
Chapter 4: The Importance Of Planning Your Retirement And The Consequences Of Not!

LEVEL 1 – Bonus 2: Financial Literacy – How To Start Your Own MLM Business



LEVEL 2 – Book 1: Binary Options and Strategies Simplified 

This is where we demystify these limited risk contracts so that you can better understand the risks and rewards associated with these exciting strategies. You will discover how to watch for illegal activity, how to invest through regulated entities, how to realize huge investment gains and much more!

LEVEL 2 – Book 2: Bitcoin and Crypto: A Guide for the Rest of Us

Could this be the next ATM? Is Crypto the future of currency? Is Bitcoin all it’s cracked up to be? These questions and many others are answered in this straightforward, robust guide that will help you navigate the choppy waters of Bitcoin and Crypto and come out ahead—way ahead—of those who are not in the know. This guide even includes an incredible infographic on how a Bitcoin transaction works!


LEVEL 3 – Book 1: Credit Card Debt

(Also available in Spanish)
Chapter 1: Credit – understanding the genesis of bad credit.
Chapter 2: Credit rating: – how you are scored.
Chapter 3: Your credits score – how you can improve it.
Chapter 4: Credit report – its effect on your personal credit
Chapter 5: Your personal credit report: – how you can correct errors
Chapter 6: Credit Repair Company: – a blessing or a curse.
Chapter 7: Absolute truth about credit repair companies
Chapter 8: Credit cards: – types and what you need to know about them
Chapter 9: Shopping for a new Credit Card: – Important tips to consider.
Chapter 10: The Do’s and don’t of the credit card game.
Chapter 11: How to get the credit card of your choice.
Chapter 12: Buy Now Pay Later – Disadvantages of using a credit card and how to get over it.
Chapter 13: How to avoid high interest charges on your credit card.
Chapter 14: How to get a loan even if you have bad credit.
Chapter 15: Important Credit Card Plan terms you must consider.

LEVEL 3 – Book 2: Exchange Traded Funds: The Inside Story

The more you know about exchange traded funds, the the more you will be inspired to take action with your own financial goals. This remarkable guide will provide you with all the insider information you’ve been missing, while giving you a clearer path to charting your own course for long term growth.

LEVEL 3 – Book 3: Economics – The truth behind the spin

  • The World Economies today
  • Definition of Economics
  • Technical definition of Economics
  • How Markets Work
  • Economic Cycle
  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
  • Effect of Lowering Interest Rates
  • Effect of Raising Interest Rates
  • Demand for goods and services
  • Definition of Demand
  • Supply of goods and services
  • Definition of Supply
  • Money and Banking
  • So how did money come to be?
  • So how do Central Banks actually move Interest Rates?
  • Money Supply!
  • Banking
  • Measuring Economic Performance
  • Gross Domestic Product
  • Business Cycle
  • Economic Growth
  • Definition of the Business Cycle
  • Government and the Economy
  • The Global Economy
  • Contrasting two Economic Powerhouses: USA and China
  • Conclusions



LEVEL 4 – Book 1: Multiple Streams of Income

Developing and solidifying numerous lucrative income streams is the holy grail of every forward thinking investor, and this guide will walk you through how to make that happen with less risk and more benefit than if you attempted to do it on your own. This is a must read if you want to feel better about your future in an uncertain financial climate.

LEVEL 4 – Book 2: Hedge Funds – Why Investors Love Them And Why You Should Too

Hedge funds can make people rich, it’s that simple. Or is it? The fact is, there’s a lot to know about how to make these enigmatic funds work in your favor. That’s what this guide is all about

LEVEL 4 – Book 3: The Insiders Guide to Swing Trading

What’s the difference between swing trading and day trading? Is it more or less risky? How can I make it work in my favor? In this guide you’ll discover all you need to know about this fascinating trading strategy while arming yourself with swing trading techniques normally reserved for the seasoned pros.

LEVEL 4 – Book 4: Debt Crisis

  • Understanding Debt
  • What Are Expenses?
  • Exploring your own debt
  • Create A Budget
  • Control High Interest Debt
  • Find Your Hidden Money
  • Debt Counseling
  • Refinancing A Mortgage
  • Know Your Rights
  • How To Deal With Creditors
  • Debt Consolidators
  • Sell Off Assets
  • Bankruptcy
  • Lifestyle Changes
  • Start Saving

LEVEL 4 – Book 5: How to Get Out of Debt and Avoid Getting Ripped Off

There is 11 trillion dollars worth of debt in the world today, so getting yourself out of your own piece of this pile should be a top priority if you are serious about financial security in the long term. This guide will give you the ins and outs of managing your loans, dealing with collectors, debt consolidation, setting a budget and much more. It will also tell you when the red flags should go up when it comes to dealing with those dubious debt settlement companies.

LEVEL 4 – Book 6: Binary Options: 5 Valuable Lessons Learned in the Trenches

Binary options trading has had a checkered past in recent years, so it’s critical that you equip yourself with these cautionary tales so you don’t find yourself in a similar situation. These lessons are straight from the real world marketplace and will provide you with the personal power to weave your way through volatile markets in the best and worst of times.



LEVEL 5 – Book 1: Residential Real Estate – The Essential Guide To Investing In Residential Real Estate

When you possess the know-how for real estate investing, you hold the keys to a brighter, more lucrative future. This essential guide will steer you in the right direction.

LEVEL 5 – Book 2: Commercial Real Estate – The Essential Guide To Investing In Commercial Real Estate

Some feel intimidated by commercial real estate investing, which leaves more room for the adventurous, success-minded investors. If that’s you, then this guide is a must have.

LEVEL 5 – Book 3: Forex Trading Series – How to Trade Forex With The Big Guys.

Trading Forex is not for the squeamish. The first in this series will make it look easy as you dip your toe in the deep end.

LEVEL 5 – Book 4: Forex Trading Series – Forex Trading Simplified

This guide brings Forex down to earth, putting it in historical perspective and helping you to grasp its complexities so you can better position yourself for bigger rewards.

LEVEL 5 – Book 5: Forex Trading Series – How To Trade Forex Like A Seasoned Pro

The third installment in this incredible series, you will discover the inner workings of Forex trading so you can leapfrog ahead of the status quo.

LEVEL 5 – Book 6: Knowledge is Power: The Dow Theory Revealed

Once you know the Dow Theory it will level the playing field. Whether it’s understanding market trends, secondary reactions, or buy and sell signals, this guide will give you the power to trade with more confidence.

LEVEL 5 – Book 7: Just the Facts About American Depository Receipts (ADRs)

American Depository Receipts (ADRs) represent a global trading alternative that can work in your favor IF you know what you’re doing.This guide will lay out the 3 levels of ADR Programs while explaining the fees, rates and risks involved. Buying shares in foreign companies can be cost effective when you know the facts, which is what this informative guide is all about.

LEVEL 5 – Book 8: Secrets To Getting Traction With Momentum Trading

Day trading used to be reserved for the professional speculators. Not anymore. When you know the history, techniques and strategies of Momentum Trading you will quickly see the bigger picture, and be better prepared for entering this risky but potentially highly profitable arena.


Dear business partners, due to the intensity of the LEVEL SIX products, please access them on our sister post HERE.





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